Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Somebody stop me!

UGH, been on an unhealthy kick again. It seems like it starts with a cold or illness and all rules get tossed out the window and I have a hard time picking back up. Well, it doesn't help that I haven't been 100% healthy for about five weeks.

Well, mom and dad are going to be here next week. I'm going to try to ease back into this though. So even if we eat out and snack a lot I will at least try to get back to my water drinking and daily vitamin until they are gone...

Thanks to those that have emailed and/or commented your thoughts have not gone un-noticed and appreciated, I just haven't been ready.

BTW, I need to update my ticker. Yesterday I ventured onto the scale and was at 261.


Amy @ LiveWell said...

It's almost a new year! A great time to start over!!

Have a healthy and happy 2009!

Lyn said...

ahem. Where are ya?

Tyler said...

One suggestion to curb some unhealthy eating....

Only eat meals at the kitchen table. Just try that and see how much snacking it will cut out. No more chips on the couch, or cookies in the kitchen.

It's a really effective technique.

You're doing great and you'll get back on track.