Monday, September 22, 2008

Not a suggested way to lose weight!

Well, so far I'm down 5 lbs+ in the last day. I had gone up a couple from some unhealthy choices. But I got the stomach flu. The kind that sends you to the potty several times an hour. It is not over yet. But perhaps getting to a new low will get me motivated to get back on track. Still not ready for salads. So for now, I'm just eating what I can stomach. So far that's been one muffin today.

Thank you to all those of you that tried to track me down when I dissappeared last week. Keep at me, it really does help! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Donnalouise said...

Just make sure to try and get some liquids down so you don't dehydrate. I was sick once and lost almost 7lbs that week - not the best way to lose but hey, sure felt good once I was feeling better :)

new*me said...

Hope you feel better soon! Maybe a protein shake to keep up your energy?

Anonymous said...

I have been floating around finding inspiration on everyone losing weight. Way to go.

Lyn said...

Hey, how ya doing NOW? :)

Michelle said...

I hope you are feeling better by now. I have had that type of stomach flu and it really sucks and not the best way to lose weight. Hope this week is a LOSER WEEK for you :) Take care.

Lyn said...

yooooo hooooooo!!

(bug, poke, pester...)

Donnalouise said...

Hey...just wondering how you been doing? :)

new*me said...

stopping by to say hey where are you? We miss ya! Hope all is well :)